Monday 5 May 2014

Media and Food Influence

It is becoming evident that in contemporary society people are leading extremely busy lives balancing work, family and leisure commitments. As a result, levels of fast food intake are on the rise and are creating health issues. I believe that this is because fast food is relatively cheap compared to gourmet and healthier options. I have seen a variety of fast food outlets every few minutes in my surrounding suburbs and this convenience attracts customers.

Also, the media plays a major role in food influence in society as TV advertisements, billboards, radio advertisements, celebrity endorsements and promotion packagings are all involved in the food choices we make on a day to day basis.

These types of mass media communications advertise fast-food outlets such as Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, Oporto and Cadbury, to name a few. The infamous soft drink Pepsi has signed celebrity Beyonce as part of their campaign to attract more customers as she is an international phenomenon.

The majority of companies listed sell energy dense unhealthy products. In my opinion, this means individuals are exposed to many unhealthy foods that are available instead of healthier foods. I believe that media advertisements are created to inform society of a product and its availability. I’ve also realized that certain products such as cereal are advertised during children’s programs in hope the children will nag their parents for that product.

- Huda

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